Why and how are the conservatives and the right-wing able to capture hearts and minds in the public discourse?
Throughout recent decades, we have been witnessing radicalisation and a shift of the political spectrum towards the right. The conservative politicians are the ones setting the tone of the public debate, whilst the progressives are mostly reactive and on the defense.
The progressives, who seek social and environmental justice, equality for all, sustainable living, respect for human rights and saving humanity from the effects of global warming are at loss: they have facts, science and reason behind them and their agenda would benefit many, if not all. Yet their messages are slow in gaining traction.
Meantime, the right seems to have figured out how to get an upper hand in political discourse and is even able to convince people to vote against their own interests.
This workshop is based on the pioneering work of George Lakoff, who helps uncover why this is the case. He has applied to politics and public discourse what cognitive science knows about how people process information and form ideas and concepts. The secret lies in activating the right frames in the minds of those who receive our communications.
The progressives can – and need – to learn how to shape their communications so that they persuade those who could be persuaded, in order to increase the progressive support base. This workshop uncovers how this can be done.